26 January 2006

First post on BBC

I have sent e-mails to each one that I know, who are bad boys. And one invite to formerly Dr. Keri Hodges (now Dr. Keri Jackson).

As noted in the e-mail. Bryan Martyn suggested compiling our memories before we forget everything. I promised I would get something going online that we could all acess and add to. Erich and I had talked about a similar endeavor awhile back. So here it is, an open format to use as your scratch pad to jot down thoughts or memories of our time together. Bryan suggested getting everyones perspective on how things were and shaping a complete picture of the events.

You can e-mail me at mdpii@juno.com this is a unique account just for this blog.

Please feel free to comment or write as you see fit. Photographs, new and old are welcome. I happen to know none of you are bashful.

The members I have attempted e-mailing are, Dennis McNamara, Erich Hardy, Steve Lee, Bryan Martyn, Brad Fribbs and Keri Jackson. Missing at least for now are Jim Kelly, Dan Craytor, Dale Stroud, Brent Fox, Bob Davis, Nick Snelson and Dewayne Hogue.

It is my error at leaving out any others.

Please write something and let me know you are alive and Kicking!


Blogger Bugs said...

Nice to hear from you. you might want to add Jim kelly. He's working at ASSALT in the pentagon now...james.kelly@saalt.army.mil.
I think I can find a current e-mail for Bob Davis as well. He might enjoy an honorary invite.

D'Mac just got back from another extended stay at "Iraq II the Sequel". Welcome back Dennis!

Everyone should to go to Amazon .com and look up a book called "Lock on No. 13 : AH-64A Apache Attack Helicopter (Paperback)". Its the model builders book about 3rd Batallion but has pictures of some of our aircraft and folks around Hanau and the Desert. Its cheap enough. You'll enjoy it. It was a nice nostalgic walk.

If anyone needs any more desert storm or crew photos, I think I still have a few and might be able to find the negatives. e-mail me.


27 January, 2006 08:47  
Blogger Dean Pennington II said...

Great to hear from you!!! I will be the first to say. I don't have any pictures other than the poster blow ups you did of my aircraft. If you have pictures, I would like to copy them, digitize them and post them here. I can link it to a photo file server. I would give the pictures back, as well.

I would like to see a current picture of you and your family (names birthdays etc...)this would also be a great place to put them for others to see.

Thanks for joining!

Dean (Dealer 33)

27 January, 2006 11:45  

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