29 September 2006

Donovan Kane Pennington's first day

This is Donovan. He was born on 27 Sep 06, 1609. Weight 9 lbs 12.5 oz, length 21".
His mother Djuana and I are very proud. Strangely he has black hair, Dennis you are in the clear! I am adjusting slowly, notice the significant loss of hair, it is directly proportional to the amount of children I have now.

Pike 18, Drew 11, Desirae 13 months, Donovan 3 days.

11 September 2006


It is a sad day to remember. My heart hurt when I saw the aircraft go into the world trade center buildings. I am sure we all felt similar feelings!

Five years have passed. The deeds of that day are not forgotten, nor the people, the civilians who lost their innocent lives.

I pray we never see repeated these things, I pray an end to this discord. If an end cannot be found peaceable, then I fully support a thunderous and overwhelming use of superior firepower that will once and for all end this conflict.

I am an American.

I stand proudly supporting tolerance of all races, creeds and religions, of freedom and democracy.

Let no one say, we the people of the United States of America, do not uphold these values.

I know each of you are willing to give your lives in support of Truth, Justice and the American way.

To you, I say thank you. Thank you for your service to our country, past and present.

Each of you represents, to me, the best of what is American. Each of you serve or have served for the greater good, for the ideals of freedom I hold so dear.

To each of you, I ask, pray for peace. Pray for an end of violence and war. Pray for strength to do the right thing. Pray for swift justice. Pray that if talk is unable to accomplish this, then for power to spread asunder those that oppose it.

It is my hope we can forgive

But to never forget.

01 September 2006

Bad Boy Motivational Propaganda

The long awaited Mystify music video. Compiled by Steve and Brad after our return from Desert Shield/Storm.

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