19 April 2007

About the Pictures


All can say is Thank You!

Thank you for the art on the nose of my aircraft. Thank you for taking so many wonderful shots of the people and aircraft during our little foray into the desert.

Unforgivably, I do not thank you for taking the shot of me taking a growler on a mre box.

I will take the good with the bad.

Your pictures have added alot to this blog site! It helps with our memories, or I should say, it helps with my memories.

So keep that scanner going. I anxiously await your next post!

I will state for the record, I did not take a single picture during our stay. So the only pictures I have are the ones you guys have shared. Especially you and Erich.



Blogger Bugs said...

You are very welcome. In truth I probably took all the pics for selfish reasons at the time. now I'm just glad I have the pics to fill in where my memory is failing me! I hope they bring back good memories for everyone else as well.

19 April, 2007 14:18  
Blogger Bugs said...

Did I post the growler picture already? i was looking for that last night. I may have to post that one again just to be sure everyone can appreciate it.

19 April, 2007 14:20  

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