31 January 2006

Night at the Railhead

Dean I found this picture of an unknown Bad Boy, send $1000 dollars in non-sequentail bills to my home by tomorrow! :-)


Blogger Bugs said...

Excellent pic! Makes ya kinda wonder what else ya got?

31 January, 2006 15:29  
Blogger Dean Pennington II said...

I knew it would eventually come to this! What fun and great memories.

I was SET UP!!!

31 January, 2006 16:20  
Blogger Bugs said...

embarrassing moment or not, ya gotta admit those are some nice hams... compliments to the photographer

01 February, 2006 09:45  
Blogger DMAC said...

Brad, this is my FAVORITE pic of all the historical Bad Boy pic's. PLEASE email me a copy...I promise not to ask a for a split on the profits.

20 March, 2006 18:18  

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