21 March 2006

How's the head Bryan?


Blogger Dean Pennington II said...

I can still hear Bryan singing Moon River as he is getting spincter tone checked by the flight surgeon!

Which brings to mind. When we went to visit Bryan at the Hospital, there was this man at the front in behind a desk. He would not let us in until we had surrendered our weapons. Now at this point we had not been seperated from our weapons in close to a year. We ate with them, with slept with them, we went to the crapper with them. It was at times the only thing between us and freedom. Now I have to tell you, I didn't want to give that man my gun. I did want to see Bryan. No compromise could be made. So with a scowl, I watched him record my guns serial number and store it in a safe. The visit was to short, but Byran was OK. As we left, I thouroghly inspected my gun for damage checked the serial number, then loaded it while watching the man behind the counter suspiciously. All in all, it was very traumatic!

21 March, 2006 14:01  

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