20 March 2006

More photos

I'll let you guys speak to these, as you will. I'll keep posting pics occassionally as I find them scan and save them. :)


Blogger Bugs said...

Thats Duwane and Brad in the lower pic

20 March, 2006 12:39  
Blogger Dean Pennington II said...

How bad did it suck to wear that Darth Vader NBC mask while flying???!!!

20 March, 2006 14:46  
Blogger Bugs said...

It was a whole lot better than trying to sleep in that f'n M24 in the tent for 12 hours after we were scudded at port!

21 March, 2006 11:03  
Blogger Brad said...

I was hit with Nerve Agent that night, if it wasn't for the quick reactions of the Hootch Defense Team I would have died like 1SG Heard, And been hauled away duct taped between two army cots. Or maybe I had to many Candy Dates..either way Steve-O's right, it sucked!

20 April, 2006 22:59  

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