09 August 2006

When, Where, Who

Friday 25 Aug 06, Arrival

Marriott, DFW South, Dallas Texas

Saturday 26 Aug 06, Meet, Eat, etc...

Sunday 27 Aug 06, leave a changed man

1 D. Pennington II
2 D. McNamara
3 B. Fribbs
4 B. Martyn
5 S. Lee
6 D. Craytor
7 R. Barloon
8 T. Anderson
9 G. Spengler
10 G. Edwards
11 J. Roden

1 B. Fox
2 S. Sanders
3 D. Stroud

Not contacted yet.
1 N. Snelson
2 J. Coker

Obligations not allowing
1 B. Davis
2 E. Hardy
3 M. Mock
4 J. Kelly

Failing to succumb to pressure
1 D. Fleming

Just an update on the latest



Blogger thetatcat said...

What possible obligation could keep you from a Bad Boy reunion?? I will miss not seeing you Erich, but I hope all is well..

10 August, 2006 13:20  
Blogger Brad said...

Let see...red vines, surgical tubing, large black clips, Atomic Sit-ups, BASS beer, horns & hoofes, black velvet Elvis paintings, MRE Ham Slice Juice, 2 ltr water bottles filled with yellowish liquid, and maybe pictures of the Railhead club. But how could anyone not come see the DEANER!

10 August, 2006 23:06  
Blogger Erich said...

I will miss seeing you guys and hearing all the stories told again! I am searching for the aerial "moon" photo and a few other pix of interest. Have a great time and plan another reunion.

14 August, 2006 10:44  
Blogger DMAC said...

I just want to know who made Dean #1?

16 August, 2006 07:59  
Blogger Dean Pennington II said...

He who posts first

Is first on post!

16 August, 2006 13:12  

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