30 October 2006


What is a Man?

What makes a man?

I would be interested in what you gentlemen have to say on this topic!

Beach Bums!!

Whirly Girly and I took my best friend to the ocean after his dad passed away and we wanted to share the memory. He is the little one in the middle....ha!

The Great Pumpkin

I am sitting in front of my computer reading blogs posted and trying to think of something clever to say. I guess nothing says more than a picture. He is the reason I feel blessed! I look around at all of you guys and see a lot of happiness. I never really new how that felt until the day I held my son in my arms. We are lucky MEN.

28 October 2006

How to occupy some time (20 plus years)

Vasectomy: free in Army

Vasectomy reversal: several thousand dollars

Having two children under 2 at age 41: priceless (it costs and costs and costs and costs and costsssss)

27 October 2006

Elk season

Here is one of the Elk bulls that Levi, my 10 year old son called out of the woods a couple weeks ago. He is getting ready to go on his first hunt with me this winter.

04 October 2006


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