30 October 2006

The Great Pumpkin

I am sitting in front of my computer reading blogs posted and trying to think of something clever to say. I guess nothing says more than a picture. He is the reason I feel blessed! I look around at all of you guys and see a lot of happiness. I never really new how that felt until the day I held my son in my arms. We are lucky MEN.


Blogger Dean Pennington II said...

Brother, you can say that again!

My parents told me when I was a child that I would never know how much they loved me until I had a child of my own.

They were right.

My words cannot describe the feelings I have or the lengths I will go to protect, to help, to love these gifts I hold in my heart and in my hands.

30 October, 2006 23:40  
Blogger Brad said...

I'm not sure whether Deaner or Dennis is crazier...60 year old 2nd Lt or a 55 year old with new borns....

07 November, 2006 21:08  
Blogger Brad said...

PS George's second vehicle the "Radio Flyer" is awesome! Look at the horse power pull'in that thing! Definitly top of the line Jorge!

07 November, 2006 21:11  
Blogger thetatcat said...

You guys rock!

14 November, 2006 18:55  

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