28 January 2007

1 year

Well boys,

This little blog has been up for one year on the 26th. A lot has happened this past year! Namely our little get together! If you get the time (our most precious commodity) I would like you to post some of the highlights of your past year with, of course, a picture or two.

I would like also for you to comment on our little blog; yeah, nay or don't care!

I wish each of you a happy and prosperous new year. It is my hope you all make 2007 your year! If I am not mistaken our little association together is about 17 years now. Wow, time sure flys when you are having fun.

Just to let you know, I am still the luckiest guy you ever met. And, you are #1 right after me. If I don't know the answer, I will take the physical challenge. If I need emergency dental work (ie chicken bone stuck between gum and tooth) I will call on the bad boy emergency dental team formerly based out of Fliegerhorst. Which brings to mind that Brent Fox an executive with a large dental practice/company in Texas needs to be brought up to an active status.

And speaking of the long lost, any pictures of Dale "Elvis" Stroud?

Keri Jackson (aka Hodges)M.D. is around in California.

So to round this out, I take great pleasure in talking to each of you! I hope you will use this device to talk back and bring us all up to speed with what is happening with you and yours.

Looking forward to your posts, so who is next?



Bueller, Bueller

16 January 2007

The Real Deal

Responding to Brad:

To each of you. You are the "Real Deal". Not some Hollywood actor portraying a "character". You have been there and done that. You don't pretend for others entertainment. You "Do" for others life and liberty.

In the scheme of things, I would rather have a doer than a pretender, any day!

Plus, I have seen some wicked little known martial arts moves done by several of you! I think it will not hurt national security to name a couple of these.

The always dreaded "Cracking maneuver" which may involve the victim now or later (particularly heinous when discovered later).
The seldom seen or heard Apache Scream. Known to make small children cry, teenage girls wet their pants and adult men scream like women.
The near fatal Crapper tip, I will speak no more on this.
And lastly, the Snake. This has caused more actual damage than all the above combined. The tricky maneuver taught only at certain zen monasteries and finer TG&Y's has caused grown men to scream, fall off aircraft, nearly be shot on a bus, and receive numerous bites in the scrotal area
Bravo Company Bad Boys: Bunk Snake

I will not go into details of the always fatal "Chicken warming" others will have to relate their near death experiences concerning this.
Extended counseling allows me to at least write this next chilling martial move

urine on leg in public shower facility

I cannot say more.

So Brad, biting the jugular is child's play compared to the "Real" Martial Moves perfected by your kind


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