29 July 2007

Dean Invades Seattle

Here are a couple of pictures of Dean's trip here to Seattle. It was great having him here and look forward to a return trip...


Blogger Brad said...

Is that the Gordon's Fisherman standing there with that Moose?

He's hot!

30 July, 2007 11:16  
Blogger Dean Pennington II said...

Very funny Brad!

I must say George was a wonderful host! I had a great time. George and I got to spend a little quality time just hanging out. No agenda, no time limits, just casual. It was nice.

31 July, 2007 09:32  
Blogger DMAC said...

Looks more like a younger Burl Ives to me (if that was a raindeer rather than a moose and Dean was singing "Holly Jolly Christmas")

25 August, 2007 10:08  

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