27 May 2008

British Gun Control, It could happen to us!

Steve sent this to me.

What the British have lost, we can as well. Should a man go to prison when he attempts to protect himself from intruders and murder in his own home?

Britians gun control laws have allowed only the criminals to be armed. Just take a listen at some of the elderly woman who want their guns back, for protection.

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26 May 2008

Bad Boys a Tribe

After reading Steve Perry's blog on Human Tribes, I realized that is exactly how I think of what I have choosen to call the Bad Boys.

In my minds eye we are a tribe. Unique, different, set apart. A tribe of warriors.

On this day, Memorial Day, I remember the Tribe.

I remember the Bad Boys. I remember mostly only the good, the good intentions, the good acts. I choose not to dwell on anything other.

As I remember each of you, I say Thank You for your service. For your service to our country. It does not go unnoticed.

Thank You

Dean Pennington II

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