01 February 2006

Have you SEEN these men?

Shamelessly, these men are wearing no clothes. They are swimming in the ALUMNCO compound pool after eating copious amounts of hamburgers generously supplied by an AMERICAN employee of the company. Look closely, this is one of the few times bad boys actually let there guard down in the middle east!


Blogger Bugs said...

can't tell, is that (left to right) Brad, Steve, Dennis, Dean, Brayn... who took the picture?

01 February, 2006 08:53  
Blogger Brad said...

If my memory serves me this is were Cracking began

01 February, 2006 09:07  
Blogger Dean Pennington II said...

AH the infamous cracking!!! Living in fear of your pillow being cracked while you were away.

01 February, 2006 09:39  
Blogger Bugs said...

Ya, so why was that any different than you leaving "hogprints" on everyone's pillow?

01 February, 2006 09:43  
Blogger Brad said...

The Hog has a Black Eye, the Crack has a Red Eye, much more dangerous

01 February, 2006 10:04  
Blogger Erich said...

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19 February, 2006 17:16  
Blogger DMAC said...

I think this pic was taken in Israel! Shortly before the female guards showed up with the weapons...then we showed them our weapons...well, that's how I remember it...

20 March, 2006 16:25  

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