22 February 2006

Some more simles!

Many fond memories, some of my favorites;
* Klutz’s head 4 inches up my butt during Atomic Sit-ups, then his remark! “Brad get the hell out of the way, we’re trying to workout!”
* Dwayne falling of the wing in the fog while trying to shower just north of the berm when Klutz ran by yelling the enemy is coming. He sat in a sandy MOPP suit for 3 days!
* Hootch Jeopardy, any episode!
* The BULLS!
* My greasy butt crack on Cpt Wills pillow during the 2am come as you are briefing in the big tent
* Cpt Wills shaking uncontrollably in the front seat after I shot him a Red Eye in Iraq, or maybe Dan shaking uncontrollably in the back seat laughing about it!
* A Clip and some 5-50 cord, nothing else needs to be said
* 14 day game of Axis & Allies with the Hootch Defense Team
* Combat lifesaver IVs
* Realizing Bryan was alive at the Drop Zone
* Realizing Bryan’s puppy was dead behind the MKT
* The Flag Pole and stone
* Digging out the Urban Insult Vehicle
* Landing at 1st Cav D-Rear to use the phones and being told by a Colonel, “Hey you can’t land there, and Dennis yelling back, “The keys are in um go ahead and move them!”
* Dean in the J-John at Hood when Eric slammed the back with the circus mallet!
* Tom Anderson leaving his wife’s Miata bumper in the road!
* Anything Jim Coker!
A just a couple corrections…
* Those were Water Condom bombs in Israel
* Anal Gulping!
* The bunny with the toe tag was Darla’s pregnancy test that announced Chance’s Arrival!


Blogger Bugs said...

And don't forget, just before the "midget" got in the helicopter to leave, and before you mooned him, he wanted me to relinquish my ammo... (but I didn't) he was afraid I would take you and Erich up on the bet that I could hit the water buffalo with a .45 from 200+ yards. ( Erich and I had enough ammo, we could have been there all day and eventually hit it)

08 March, 2006 10:41  
Blogger Bugs said...

I gotta say that another notable memory was the night someone... who might as well remain nameless, wanted to hide his wife's Miata in my garage... after he ran it into a guard rail... after a late night evening of wholesome fun by other's who should also remain nameless...

08 March, 2006 10:48  

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