16 April 2006

Fun stuff on Saturday Night

A buddy of mine, Steve Hearn, builds stock cars. He was kind enough to ask me if I wanted to do some hot laps prior to him racing last night. You can see me in the pictures of his car. Since I have never driven a stock car or driven on a banked oval dirt track, it was very exciting! The raw power of these cars is remarkable. I may have hit a top speed of 50 or 60 mph (the track is 3/8 mile long). I didn't do very much power sliding/drifting in the turns. They asked me why I didn't go faster or push the turns hard. I told them, it is a lot of fun if everyone gets to drive and race. If I had gone over the top and rolled the car, no racing, if I had spun out and hit the wall, no racing, if I hit another car, two cars no racing! Needless to say, I took it easy and there was lots of racing!!!!


Blogger Brad said...

You are a non-god! Why wouldn;t you slide it sideways? Youve always been sideways...I'd think you'd have a difficult time going straight in anything! :-)
PS I'm jealous, my wife never lets me drive...

16 April, 2006 22:53  
Blogger Dean Pennington II said...

Brad as I recall, we may have practiced some racing skills driving from Fliegerhorst to the housing area. Bumper to Bumper VW Jetta's.

By the way, I kept that car for 13 years. Same length of time as my marriage to Jenna. I sold it to some nice people who still have it going! Jenna married a nice person, who still has her going.

17 April, 2006 22:25  
Blogger DMAC said...

Maybe you hit on a key problem there. You didn't drive the car hard enough...maybe there was something you didn't do hard enough with Jenna. I know there is a connection here...if I could just figure it out....

18 April, 2006 07:06  
Blogger Brad said...


20 April, 2006 22:43  

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