06 July 2006

How did I get into this?

OK, How did I get into this? I have never done anything to you guys and I am getting video of being thrown off the tube! Deaner, I fly MUCH better than that... Brad sold the boat anyway so I can't get thrown off the tube anymore. But I did get the Mustang! Darla


Blogger thetatcat said...

Darla, that is one badass ride!!! I hope they gave you only one set of keys. You wouldn't want a Bad Boy in control of that much horsepower except in open airspace

08 July, 2006 13:15  
Blogger Dean Pennington II said...

Can I drive your car?

12 July, 2006 17:11  
Blogger Brad said...

George, It is a beautiful car. But I feel we only get to visit it. We still don't have it all fixed up and it has been in the shop for over a week again. Oh well, eventually, we will have it overnight! Brad is very nice, he always lets me drive it to the shop:-)

Bryan, Brad has already gotten it sideways once. And thank goodness it is a stick and we haven't taught Kayla to drive one yet. Might take me awhile to teach her!

Deaner, Anytime!


24 July, 2006 21:42  

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