Sorry guys, been out of the loop. Small children are taking up my time these days!
I would like to address a couple of items mentioned on this blog to date.
1- Dennis, you or any man brave enough try Djuana. A little advice, look up black widow and praying mantis mating. Also make sure your affairs are in order including a will!
2- Bryan, I am trying to figure out why the Hooch Defense Team (HDT) looks so chipper in the photo? And how does it feel to be old? I hope it was a good party!
3- Brad you are a loser for not actually posting on the blog. Comments don't count. I guess this would also include all of the rest of you losers. As of right now, non posters are on friendship probation!
4- I did like the comment on the military being a dead end job. You could not be more right Bryan. Just look at the fine accomplishments each has made during and after their military service. I for one am proud of my service. I am proud of each of your service to our country.
Thank you.
I wonder if those nay sayers would like to do a "Where are they now?" on our little group of underacheiving, poorly educated, just another statistic servicemen and women? It might raise an eyebrow or two of ivy league educated politicians. Who I think have forgotten exactly what they do, public service. To serve the public. The public is not to serve them!
Just some thoughts of a guy who did a little military service, by choice! And low and behold managed to get a couple of degrees and hold down a job. Heck, I even have all my teeth.