03 September 2007

The GOO retires

Thanks for all the kind words, deeds and cards I received. It was a two days whirl wind that included Poker, Beer, Thunderstorms, Golf, Beer, Dancers, More Beer, a Huge Family Pool Party, Patrone (really good tequila) Gifts, and then the MAIN EVENT - The All Adult Male Belly Flop Contest!

What a weekend! Here is a small sample of our fun! I can't wait to help put Bryan's together next! Don't miss it! Love to all!



Blogger DMAC said...

Congradulations GOO! Who is the chubby "Burl Ives" looking guy next to you in the picture?

09 September, 2007 07:07  
Blogger Brad said...

It is Burl himself, he came impresinating Dean Pennington. Did a terrible job! Mad me laugh though :-)

The next reunion\slash retirement gathering for Dennis or Bryan or Mikey will feature remastered Hail & Farewell outtakes and video stills. Get your requests in early! Darla also found an outstanding poster of a freind of Eric's in the back seat of an Apache with really nice seat belt buckles on her chest. Lovely....

09 September, 2007 18:30  
Blogger ChopperDan said...

I cannot believe it has been 20 years. It was only a short time ago that you guys were rolling into the unit and Dennis, Jim and I were sitting in the hanger trying to figure out what to do with a bunch of WO1s (sorry... smart ass'd WO1s). Congrats on your retirement, well deserved!

10 September, 2007 19:59  
Blogger Dean Pennington II said...

You guys know how photos really pack the pounds on you! I have got to get rid of that parasite around my body! Everybody comments on how unsitely it is! Beleive it or not I am working on a home rememdy, push ups and sit ups!

Thanks from burl aka gorton mariner aka dean

11 September, 2007 13:46  
Blogger Dean Pennington II said...

by the way,

Brad won the 4 dive belly flop/diving competition, hands down. I think he had home court advantage!

I am not sore

Just a loser.


11 September, 2007 13:50  
Blogger Mike said...

Congrats Brad!!

16 September, 2007 20:47  
Blogger Mike said...

Oh and by the way Brad, I really liked your retirement plaque, I'm thinking of copying the layout for mine in a few years. I hope you don't mind.

20 September, 2007 21:26  
Blogger Brad said...

Darla got the shadow box at Michaels' Crafts, and all the little do-dads at clothing sales. The biggest challedge was finding the old unit patches. Some were dirty so she had them dry cleaned! She used this adhesive double stick cardboard and hot glue gun the adhere the things. It is covered in blue satin that is drapped over foam board. She pushed the wings and such through to stick'em on.

21 September, 2007 19:16  

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