03 June 2008

Bad Boy Reqest

There has been a request for information!

What were the tail numbers of the aircraft we flew during Desert Storm?

Dan/ Cpt.--------444

Dean/ Erich-----033

Jim/ Steve-------041

Dwayne/ Brad ---457

Dennis/ Lt. ----- 451

Bryan/ Brent

Post it if you got it!

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Blogger DMAC said...

DMAC/Klutz - 451

19 June, 2008 11:28  
Blogger Bugs said...

Steve and Jim was 041.

23 June, 2008 16:43  
Blogger Brad said...

OK, wish me luck, I'm leaving the protective womb of the Nat'l Guard Flight Training and going to Raytheon to work on Future Combat Systems here in Tucson. This is big move for the Goo!

28 June, 2008 00:07  
Blogger Bugs said...

BRAD.... Great move to Raytheon.. Say hi to Jim Turner there in tucson. FCS will be the death of you. (its why I left Mother B.) FCS is a very caustic program... FCS= Family Comes Second, or Forever Changing Specs!!

30 June, 2008 08:53  
Blogger Bugs said...

I'm sure Capt and Dan was 444

30 June, 2008 08:54  
Blogger Bugs said...

Its taxing my ever decaying memory, but I think Brent and Bryan was 860, or 861. I think that was an older ship that Jim Kelly traded for when they were balancing phase maintenance shcedules across the companies?

17 June, 2009 07:57  

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