30 April 2006

More Bragging

Daughter commisioned and at flight school; Son finishes Basic and now at AIT becoming a '64D crew chief; wife allows Porche and motorcycle purchases. It don't get no better than this....

20 April 2006

Poor Russians

I just read the new AAAA magazine, our dear friend Dawn Kopra's husband, LTC Tim, is going into space to live on the ISS for "long term" space trials. I hope they have a consistent source of replacements for those Russian Cosmonaut's who leap from the ISS and choose unprotected re-entry rather than spend time with our 2nd favorite former commander. :-)

18 April 2006


Just thought everyone would be VERY interested to know that LTC Mike Wills (aka The Midget) retires on 19 April 2006. I ran into him at the AAAA Convention. He has some contractor job lined up so he can continue to suck up those government bucks. He hasn't grown any. I decided not to mention this blog to him.

16 April 2006

Fun stuff on Saturday Night

A buddy of mine, Steve Hearn, builds stock cars. He was kind enough to ask me if I wanted to do some hot laps prior to him racing last night. You can see me in the pictures of his car. Since I have never driven a stock car or driven on a banked oval dirt track, it was very exciting! The raw power of these cars is remarkable. I may have hit a top speed of 50 or 60 mph (the track is 3/8 mile long). I didn't do very much power sliding/drifting in the turns. They asked me why I didn't go faster or push the turns hard. I told them, it is a lot of fun if everyone gets to drive and race. If I had gone over the top and rolled the car, no racing, if I had spun out and hit the wall, no racing, if I hit another car, two cars no racing! Needless to say, I took it easy and there was lots of racing!!!!

12 April 2006

Hello Bad Boys of Bravo

Just wanted to say "hello to my little friends" on the Bad Boys Blog (BBB). It only seems like yesterday we were eating pomme frittes with mayo and drinking wiesen on German ground. You are all in my thoughts often especially with our boys being over there again as we speak. So many memories to chat about, I will have to pull out some pictures of you hooligans to post in the future. Thanks for keeping us safe Bryan, your family looks great. Bradley, I thought I would go the rest of my life without seeing your penis again (too late). Dean and Erich, you two will never know how much you influenced my demise in life (haha) especially you Erich with the Apache/Stripper calandar. I am still mesmorized by the mere thought of her t"""s resting on the very wing I so often walked upon.

Seriously, it is good to know you are all doing well.

aka Spc Spengler

03 April 2006

Bryan should have been wearing this for the parachute stunt

Thats stands for Brad Fribbs... not something else!!

Top's field expedient body fat measurement technique

Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet or hail, nor dark of night... ore even a mail room fire.. will deter the postman from making his appointed rounds...

Maintain three points of contact on the aircraft at all times...

More practicing medicine without a licence... supervised of course.

Days of water rations, no showers and build up of stench... feild expedient clensing in the rain . Too bad the rain quit before you got all the soap off!!

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