18 April 2006


Just thought everyone would be VERY interested to know that LTC Mike Wills (aka The Midget) retires on 19 April 2006. I ran into him at the AAAA Convention. He has some contractor job lined up so he can continue to suck up those government bucks. He hasn't grown any. I decided not to mention this blog to him.


Blogger Dean Pennington II said...

Peter Principle!

18 April, 2006 17:27  
Blogger Brad said...

I saw him at Beoing 2 years back, he was still sporting those really nice fingernails....

19 April, 2006 17:58  
Blogger Erich said...

What fond memories....
*pushups on the gravel road
*proudly announcing he had not read a book since college
*knowing our LTC respected him so
*throwing water on him sunbathing
and so many other short memories.

24 April, 2006 13:51  
Blogger thetatcat said...

Bryan, I do remember that comment and the mess I almost left in my pants. The pushups on the gravel road was almost as good as the barely audible squeak that came out when he halted us and had us "half left face" I don't think being that small allows you to do anything halfway

25 April, 2006 18:13  
Blogger Brad said...

Cold Water Tanning Attack almost as good as the "Red Eye" I shot him when we left Iraq :-)

28 April, 2006 15:43  

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