02 May 2006

Pale by comparison

I had thought to show a friend of mine the picture of me driving the dirt stock car. When I realized that I pale in comparison to the next two posts with F-16s, porche, and motorcycle.

If I didn't love you guys, I would be sick with envy (well maybe I still am anyway).

Each of you are my family. My thoughts are that you have two kinds of family. The one you are born with and the one you choose.

I choose you. As I hope each of you know, you are within the circle that I call me and mine. This I hold dear. This I protect. This I hold in my heart.

And for each of you reading this

Thank You.



Blogger DMAC said...

You are a big emotional sissy...who is the fat guy holding that cute baby?

03 May, 2006 01:58  
Blogger Dean Pennington II said...

Hey I may be crying, but I will still cut you and watch you bleed out.

And underneath that layer of fat is a finely muscled speciman!

03 May, 2006 18:06  
Blogger DMAC said...

Well, even with time it's difficult to counter my witty reparte, especially for some Airforce weenie.

I believe under that layer of fat we will find...more fat...but I know you have my back with that knife.

03 May, 2006 22:18  

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