10 September 2007

A motley crew

While cleaning out the garage this weekend, I found a couple treasures at the bottom of a box. I have the high res version of the company if you are interested. (dan@craytor.net)
I remember the quote from LTC Billy Stevens when he first saw the nose art. “Ya know, ya’ll couda painted a ham, bottle of Jack Daniels or anything else, but ya had to pick the one thing to get me in trouble. You can keep the nose art but ya gota put clothes on those girls.”


Blogger Bugs said...

Nice pic. I don' t recall too many from the Ft Hood ARTEP days. Wasn't that taken the day after the "Flash-Flash-Flash" nuclear attack but only moments before the infamous moon shot? ( Maybe Goo's nickname should have been chnaged to Flash Gordon... or Flash Goo) (I still have my "placemat" too) I also have the original MRE carboard pencil art for all of the nose arts... if anyone is interested in them... mount frame, whatever.

11 September, 2007 12:12  
Blogger Dean Pennington II said...

Well, I don't have a placemat! And don't get rid of the mre pencil art! I will take over that if neccessary.

I would like to see more of the nose art if you have it Dan. Thanks for the memories!

11 September, 2007 13:42  
Blogger DMAC said...

Steven my friend, I have to correct you. I have the original MRE box nose art for "Check-six Cindy". You gave it to me at my farewell and I have it framed. Thank you again. I love the picks and I remember the quote. There is a book I saw once with pictures of Steve's work as an example of modern nose art. I bet they never got Steve's OK to use it.

13 September, 2007 18:31  
Blogger Brad said...

Steve is without a doubt the best nose artist ever, there is no denying this. I have a book which was co-authored by LTC Pat Sheehan it feature B-Company aircraft, but indicates they come from third Bn. Midnight Insertion is featured!

Is it me or is Klutz always screwed up in pictures? I have two from the desert, he's looking away in one and off to the side pouting in the other. I do love him, the look on his face after the Iraqi Red Eye was priceless. Of course witnessing Dan pee all over himself laughing in the backseat afterward with Cpt Wills was good too! I always get in trouble showng my ass...

13 September, 2007 20:24  
Blogger Bugs said...

Ya D, but I still have the full color check six cindy map book cover that was the inspiration to start defacing the aircraft!
I have the book Brad referenced, in fact I have 3-4 copies. It was intended as an aircraft modelers book. I would love to see the book Dmac referenced... please if you can, send me the ISBN.

20 September, 2007 14:32  

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