08 May 2006


When we all were in the desert, there were a few opportunities to show trust.

I chose one day with George.

He took care of the bird, he took care of Erich and I.

On this day, I asked George if the bird was good to go. He replied "yes". I climbed in, started the bird and flew the mission. No pre-flight, no log book review.

It is the best way I could tell him,

I trust your judgement, I trust your experience

I trust you.


Blogger thetatcat said...


It is very odd that you would mention that story because I can remember that moment like it happened yesterday. I have lived my life with respect to that very instant when two men put their lives in my hands without hesitation. You will never understand what that single action has meant but it will be a story I will tell my son and hopefully he will tell his.

Trust is something earned not given and on that day in the desert for the first time in my life I felt I had earned something that could never be taken away.

I have always wanted to ask you about that night but now you answer my question.

Thank you, Spc Spengler

I will always have your back, just call and I will be there!!!

09 May, 2006 14:43  
Blogger DMAC said...

You want to talk about trust, Deanie, I signed you off as a PIC...

14 May, 2006 11:48  

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