11 September 2007


Today I remember.

Today I would like to forget.

Today we remember what happened in our country six years ago.

Today we will never forget that an enemy came to our soil with only one thought; to hurt my brother, to hurt my parents, to kill my children.

Today you will remember them and pray thanks it wasn't you.

Today you will not forget that it was our country that was attacked, our people who were killed.

We are in a battle.

I believe we must fight, must fight for our lives. It is my house that was harmed. It is my family, my mothers, my fathers, my brothers, my sisters, my children that were killed that day six years ago.

If not us, then who?
If not now, then when?

Today I remember.


Blogger Bugs said...

nice, are you the author?

12 September, 2007 06:57  
Blogger Dean Pennington II said...

you bet!

13 September, 2007 22:40  

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