Funny, the more things I remember... the more things I want to forget!!! me losing $180 in Desert Shield at "NICKEL" poker!!!!! ( good thing I wasn't supporting a family)
... the only joke I ever tried to tell was making fun of Cpt Wills height.. questioning his ability to reach the pedals. ( good thing I wasn't supporting a family then either)
... or me being the butt of everyone's favorite "sabot round".. of course, I kinda blindly stepped into most of those. (Self sacrifice is only noble when its recognized)
... or the sinking vulnerable feeling when the Bn Cmdr walked up behind me when I was painting nose art ( only to be re-enlighted to see Cpt Wills doing the adjudant's walk out the tent, flailing arms, LBE and Helmet on his way to the Bn CMDRs tent)
... or getting the hair and skin burnt off my face when the fire pit blew up... and someone laughing despite my pain 'cause I looked funny without eyebrows and my faicial hair was curled up under my nose.
I do remember a few other favorites.
-Brad receiving a bunny rabbit with a toe tag was nice. (Isn't that what you call a Soldier's farewell?)
- Dennis in the hooker outfit was spectacular. I still haven't found a woman who could compare.
-And Brad stuffing and eating bread under his gas mask to keep from puking up the nerve agent pills.
-Someone dropping a loaded .45 magazine in front of the commander, finally letting it out of the bag that he was the only unarmed pilot in the company.
- Dropping 2 liter bottles filled with pee ( hydrate and recycle crew relief containers) from the helicopter while on north Kuwait security flights was kinda fun.
- Mike digging a squat hole only to find a snake in the hole was memorable.
(I have pictures of Dean demonstrating the use of an MRE box so that digging holes was not required. Thanks Dean. I'll post the pic later. Good training material.)
- the sound of Erich Hardy on line the first night of combat "... I'm clear?!!" is still ringing in my ears ( of course... with my tinitus... everything is ringing in my ears)
- Duwayne "repositioning" due to the spot light on the BTR-60. Dennis slewing up a serving of 30mm ... "What light?" ( no, I meant a Bud light!!)
-Two favorite formation moons... one in Texas after the ARTEP, mooning... uh C company I think ( makes a lovely placemat). then the formation moon to the UK helicopter in Camelot that used to fly over every a.m.. ( utillity-slug helicopter or not, you gotta admit that hanging their UK asses out of the side door was a spectacular aerial moon)