28 February 2006

Fat Tuesday

Last day of February 2006!

Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler ---- Let the good times roll!

Reminds me of a story from flight school. I was purple flight. Some of the Lt.'s went to N.O. for Mardi Gras. Two in particular went in a motorhome/RV. Well, these guys were hilarious before the trip but I could hardly look at them without laughing after they told their story.

All was well, they rolled into town in the R.V. with a mission. Party hard, often and with great vigor! First stop drinks. Second stop drinks. Third stop drinks. Meander down Bourbon street. Met some great girls, very friendly! Start hanging together, more drinking. It is suggested that they move the party to the RV. All in favor!

As nature encourages, these two couples start becoming more amorous. Suddenly, out of the Blue, one LT. stops kissing with a start! His new girlfriend is a great kisser but his face is becoming alittle irritated by her 5 o'clock shadow! AAAAHHHHHHHH! She is a he!

Some intimate talk ensues, namely, you are a dude! One LT. calls out to the other and it is discovered that both girls are dudes. To make a short story long, intimate action stops but the two couples continue to hang out together enjoying Mardi Gras!

27 February 2006

Desirae Tooth!

This is Desirae, my youngest. She turns 7 months this week. This was her first tooth.

23 February 2006

Israeli Bad Boy Initiation

This was taken prior to the Israeli Bad Boy membership ritual.

At 220 now, I estimate 40 to 50 lb differance.

Just another stop on the BAD BOY World Tour!

22 February 2006

Favorite MOONS

Since it has been brought up! Some of my favorite moon incidents include:

First formation badboy moon at the end of our training at Ft. Hood.

The Netherlands moon at the British air force base. Where we taught the English on Dutch soil how the moon rises when our Apache brothers come in to land.

Moon river serenade when Byran was getting spincter tone check after the drop zone incident.

I wish I could post a picture of some of these moons! Erich had a great one in Zoom Bags on the wall.

If you have a picture, feel free to post I would love to see them!

Least favorite moon:

Watching the moon set in Iraq--- waiting to perform a dreaded mission, as I recall the bad boys were to attack an artillery emplacement, from the front while our sister companies were to attack from behind. We flew to a holding area, shut down, turned on the portable radio and waited for the moon to set. Three nights in a row. Mysteriously, the mission was called off.

Sometimes it hurts to be the best. I just glad we didn't have to put it to the test those nights!

Some more simles!

Many fond memories, some of my favorites;
* Klutz’s head 4 inches up my butt during Atomic Sit-ups, then his remark! “Brad get the hell out of the way, we’re trying to workout!”
* Dwayne falling of the wing in the fog while trying to shower just north of the berm when Klutz ran by yelling the enemy is coming. He sat in a sandy MOPP suit for 3 days!
* Hootch Jeopardy, any episode!
* The BULLS!
* My greasy butt crack on Cpt Wills pillow during the 2am come as you are briefing in the big tent
* Cpt Wills shaking uncontrollably in the front seat after I shot him a Red Eye in Iraq, or maybe Dan shaking uncontrollably in the back seat laughing about it!
* A Clip and some 5-50 cord, nothing else needs to be said
* 14 day game of Axis & Allies with the Hootch Defense Team
* Combat lifesaver IVs
* Realizing Bryan was alive at the Drop Zone
* Realizing Bryan’s puppy was dead behind the MKT
* The Flag Pole and stone
* Digging out the Urban Insult Vehicle
* Landing at 1st Cav D-Rear to use the phones and being told by a Colonel, “Hey you can’t land there, and Dennis yelling back, “The keys are in um go ahead and move them!”
* Dean in the J-John at Hood when Eric slammed the back with the circus mallet!
* Tom Anderson leaving his wife’s Miata bumper in the road!
* Anything Jim Coker!
A just a couple corrections…
* Those were Water Condom bombs in Israel
* Anal Gulping!
* The bunny with the toe tag was Darla’s pregnancy test that announced Chance’s Arrival!

18 February 2006


If you see a sign like this, you have gone to far!!!

I am in route home after a week in north central Florida. I spent the last 7 days training in overhead environments (caves). At one point, I was actually 1500' into a cave system. That is just kid stuff to the pro's. It does make you think about 1500' back to the entrance and open water.

My instructor must be a push over like Dennis, since he certified me Full Cave Diver with the National Association for Cave Diving. This is a link to see the difference between scuba and cave diver, http://www.safecavediving.com/safetybrochure/index.html .
I also got checked out to teach advanced nitrox (Oxygen 21%-100% up to depths of 150').

As I was walking up the stairs today with my kit, 2 steel cylinders 130 cu ft each on an aluminum back plate (47 lbs each without air in them), I thought

man this was fun!

Glad to see some memories are getting posted!!!!

I am still waiting for e-mail addresses of other BAD BOYS, so I can invite them on the board.

You know who you are! Send them to me and I will handle the rest.

Keeps those cards and letters coming (posts).

17 February 2006

more trash

Funny, the more things I remember... the more things I want to forget!!!

...like me losing $180 in Desert Shield at "NICKEL" poker!!!!! ( good thing I wasn't supporting a family)
... the only joke I ever tried to tell was making fun of Cpt Wills height.. questioning his ability to reach the pedals. ( good thing I wasn't supporting a family then either)
... or me being the butt of everyone's favorite "sabot round".. of course, I kinda blindly stepped into most of those. (Self sacrifice is only noble when its recognized)
... or the sinking vulnerable feeling when the Bn Cmdr walked up behind me when I was painting nose art ( only to be re-enlighted to see Cpt Wills doing the adjudant's walk out the tent, flailing arms, LBE and Helmet on his way to the Bn CMDRs tent)
... or getting the hair and skin burnt off my face when the fire pit blew up... and someone laughing despite my pain 'cause I looked funny without eyebrows and my faicial hair was curled up under my nose.

I do remember a few other favorites.

-Brad receiving a bunny rabbit with a toe tag was nice. (Isn't that what you call a Soldier's farewell?)
- Dennis in the hooker outfit was spectacular. I still haven't found a woman who could compare.
-And Brad stuffing and eating bread under his gas mask to keep from puking up the nerve agent pills.
-Someone dropping a loaded .45 magazine in front of the commander, finally letting it out of the bag that he was the only unarmed pilot in the company.
- Dropping 2 liter bottles filled with pee ( hydrate and recycle crew relief containers) from the helicopter while on north Kuwait security flights was kinda fun.
- Mike digging a squat hole only to find a snake in the hole was memorable.
(I have pictures of Dean demonstrating the use of an MRE box so that digging holes was not required. Thanks Dean. I'll post the pic later. Good training material.)
- the sound of Erich Hardy on line the first night of combat "... I'm clear?!!" is still ringing in my ears ( of course... with my tinitus... everything is ringing in my ears)
- Duwayne "repositioning" due to the spot light on the BTR-60. Dennis slewing up a serving of 30mm ... "What light?" ( no, I meant a Bud light!!)
-Two favorite formation moons... one in Texas after the ARTEP, mooning... uh C company I think ( makes a lovely placemat). then the formation moon to the UK helicopter in Camelot that used to fly over every a.m.. ( utillity-slug helicopter or not, you gotta admit that hanging their UK asses out of the side door was a spectacular aerial moon)

If we are talking trash...

My best Bad Boy memories:

-Picture of Dean with the stripper wrapped around him with his hand trying to block the camera
-Steve getting burned by Chris Batt with the famous "why did you bring your daughter to the hail and farewell."
-Brian and Brent doing a gun run on the Bn Cdr's tent, then hearing the TOC phone ring and thinking, "I guess I need to talk with John Roden."
-Mike Mock Jr. spitting on Erik Hardy.
-Jim Kelly screaming like a woman over the rubber snake.
-Kevin Klutz falling for EVERY prank we pulled.
-The party we had at Dale's apartment without Dale
-The best formation flying ever done in the Army with AH-64's.
-Wondering what the hell happened to Dwayne once the bullets started flying
-Brad in the goldfish costume
-Dean learning how to use a "squat hole" in France (ask him)

07 February 2006

Gauntlet thrown!

I may not be the right person to answer the challenge, but I am standing up to it.

First let me say, there was medical supervision.

Second, I "nearly" got into serious trouble at the forward operating base in Saudi when I asked a nurse for KY and Hoes. She promptly escorted me out, all the while, I am trying to explain KY jelly and Hose not Hoes! She didn't seem to understand the medical necessity of these items!

Later that same day, I was peed on in the open air shower. (another story)

Later that same night, Jim Kelly screamed like a woman. (another story)

Later that same week, the entire camp went on alert when a certain generator backfired several times. (another story)

The next day, I was attacked by a snake flying out of the transmission compartment causing me to fall from my aircraft. (relaliation story)

The next morning I awoke with the glorious knowledge that I was the only one who had sex that morning. (nocturnal emission story)

Later that same day, all bad boys present had a moment to shudder by as an unnamed female soldier who had been coaxed to play volleyball, did a stretch and splits on the sand while attempting to return a serve. (incredible but true story)

Lastly, this was only 1 week in Bad Boy History.

Maybe I can write about the post-combat stupid human trick later!

Stringers for Kids

I can't believe no one has brought up the infamous multiple nasal red liquorice stringing of Desert Sheild... or the never surpassed, never imitated, never before tried or attempted, multiple IV tube nasal stringing of Victory... the only true eight wonder of the world. Can we not hear the most infamous of stories from our of master of inspiration, the king doer of deeds, the prince of perversion...

...what say you mpII?

Hail - Barbican Bass!

The question is, can you fit an entire sqeegie ball in your mouth while hurling Barbican Bass NA beer through your nose!!! And who is man enough to rinse it off in the Persian gulf and stick it in his own mouth!!!!!!!!!

05 February 2006

All is Forgiven

Once a Bad Boy

Always a Bad Boy.

All is Forgiven!

With that said, Vagisil helps shrink the vaginal swelling.

Speaking of Hooch jeopardy.... How about those commericals? Midget man condoms. West Point secret decoder ring.

And what was the name of that female major at the port that hung with Keri (Hodges) Jackson?

Can you put an entire squeezey softball into your mouth????

02 February 2006

The Fribbs Kids

I've penitrated the secret society! Here are a couple of Chance & Kayla


The honor is mine.

I hold each of you in the highest regard. I personally think that you gentlemen are among, if not the, finest pilots in the world.

It is and has been my honor to serve with each of you. I am a better man for it.

With all of the stories, jokes and lies there is a vein common to it all. That vein is the camaraderie, the trust, the overwhelming desire to win and lastly

the Love.

It is my sincerest desire, that each of you know that I love you. I hold you all in my heart. You are a part of me. You go where I go. If I see you tomorrow, it will be as if I had seen you yesterday. You are that prominent.

Thank You
Dean Pennington II

01 February 2006

It is what started this.

Bryan's visit with me this January 2006. As I said, his impetus got the ball rolling.

The Artist

The artist, Steve Lee.

With one of my personal favorites,


Show them my motto.


Bad Boys in the Snow

Another shot of the BAD BOYS. This time in Germany. Jim is missing in this shot. Probably was test flying another companies helicopter.

Does anyone remember the world record distance for M & M throw and catch in mouth?

How about the incredible mouth catch of a meatball by Bob Davis at the Ft. Hood officers club?

Remember: "The key to a successful field problem, is good personal hygiene!"

Here's to you....

Change of topics... anyone remember the BBC toast?

The original works

I'd like to reflect momentarily on " the original works", before I was commanded to paint clothes on everything.

The Masters Artwork

Steve amazed us with his abilities, many wondered if he'd study the human form in France but he insisted he'd studied in his room as a boy.....Amazing! These shots grace my dens walls. I think my family gets tired of me showing them to them whenever they come over. I never tire of looking at them, Thanks Steve-O

Eve of Battle

AA Camelot... or was that "Camel Lot" ( Kuwait)

No nudy pics here... just a memory.

Flag pole and daily pride and dedication to flag cerimonies compliments of Bryan Martyn.

Overcast petroleum byproducts compliments of Saddam H.

( The BBC flag pole was ( improperly) higher than HQ's)

Have you SEEN these men?

Shamelessly, these men are wearing no clothes. They are swimming in the ALUMNCO compound pool after eating copious amounts of hamburgers generously supplied by an AMERICAN employee of the company. Look closely, this is one of the few times bad boys actually let there guard down in the middle east!

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