08 February 2007

I was fortunate enough to participate in training new Divemasters this past weekend. I am at the Comal river in New Braunfels, Texas. (see where was dean last weekend on right) Check out the nifty one piece uniform. It is a dry suit, I am wearing double tanks. I especially like the beanie, way cool when the flaps are down.


Blogger Bugs said...

Kind of strange seeing you swim while I'm up here freezng my butt off at 10 below zero and 12 inches of snow. What ever posessed me to leave Alabama for Iowa... well, its probably the same thing thats been possessing me for ever.
I am now enjoying (truly enjoying) new employment with Rockwell Collins do safety engineering and hazard analysis on all your new cockpits and upgrade avionics coming down the pike. (actually doing real cool work again C130, H-47, H-53, H60 etc. etc. ). I'll try to update my personal info on the blog site, but if anyone is interested... smlee2@rockwellcollins.com or kimbertac2@yahoo.com.
work# 319-263-8914

No new home address or phone numbers yet, but should be moving out of the hotel in a week or so.

09 February, 2007 09:23  
Blogger Bugs said...

Oh by the way, Dean.... I think we discussed this.

Join this org and shoot with these guys.. you'll love it and it'll really teach you how to use your .40 .

I just picked up a .40 HK P2000

09 February, 2007 10:54  
Blogger Brad said...

Can you pee in a dry siut?

10 February, 2007 15:07  

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